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Monday, February 20, 2012

How To Spy On A Cell Phone?

These days, lots of people have come to me asking me how to spy on a cell phone. Others have asked me if this is possible at all. Not only that, there are some people that have asked me if such or such feature is feasible. For that reason, in order to avoid repeating myself each time, I am writing this article so that everyone can find the most basic information about cell phone spying.
Ok, i’ll start with the most common question of them all: “How to Spy on a Cell Phone?” You do this by getting a clever little program on the Internet. In order to get it, you need three things:
  1. The model of the phone.
  2. The IMEI number. It’s usually printed in the inside of the battery compartment.
  3. A credit card or an online form of payment, such as PayPal.
That’s all. Please note the absence of cables or any other accessory. That wasn’t an omission or an understanding that if you have the phone you should have all the cables that go with it. That’s because you don’t need to connect the phone to the computer to install the program. In fact, you don’t really install the program on it. The program collects the information that the phone normally sends and stores it on a website. When you pay for the program, you’ll create a username and a password that will let you see this information.
Ok, so let’s review the steps on how to spy on a cell phone.
  1. Get the model of the phone, its IMEI number, and a credit card ready.
  2. Go to one of the pages that sell the program, such as Mobile Spy.
  3. Create an account. It’s almost like creating an e-mail account.
  4. Pay with your credit card (or online form of payment).
By now, you should be wondering how to spy on a cell phone that it’s not yours. After all, while it’s not incredibly difficult to get someone’s phone model, people are going to notice if you open the battery compartment and write down numbers.
That’s because you shouldn’t. This type of software is meant to be used only on phones that you bought. However, you can still buy a phone, activate the program, and give the phone to someone else. This is how parents and employers use this technology.
I hope this answered the question “how to spy on a cell phone?” However, if you want to know more details on How To Track a Cell Phone, every seller has detailed instructions on their


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